
Benefits Of Shea Butter For Hair

Mind Blowing Benefits Of Shea Butter For Hair


Mind Blowing Benefits Of Shea Butter For Hair

Shea butter is often called white gold of Africa. However, its original name can be translated as the Tree of Life. Locals use it for body care, hair, cooking and as home remedy. Even Cleopatra used shea butter for her hair. We promise you will be impressed by the benefits of shea butter for hair.

Is shea butter good for hair?

Shea butter has unique fatty acids (palmitic, stearic, oleic, etc.), carbohydrates, proteins, unsaponifiable fats, and vitamins A, F, E, D. So the answer is “Yes”, shea butter is perfect for any hair type.

The butter perfectly nourishes the skin and hair. It slows down the aging process and has a small degree of UV protection. Many manufacturers, from the mass market to luxury brands, use shea butter as a main component of their beauty products. Shea butter can be found in the composition of shampoos, gels, balms, masks, and cleansers for the face.

Useful to know! Shea butter can be refined and unrefined:

  • Unrefined butter is produced by first cold pressing. So the product contains a maximum of useful properties. It has a yellowish color, a pleasant oil-nut flavor, and the texture resembles butter. Unrefined shea butter is the best choice for dry skin and hair.
  • The butter becomes refined after cleaning under high pressure. It has a white color and texture similar to wax. There is no noticeable smell, rather unobtrusive veil and such a butter absorbs a little faster than unrefined one. Moreover, it is less fat. Refined shea butter is suitable for normal skin and hair.

Please note! Shea butter should be stored in the refrigerator or in a place protected from sunlight, the temperature of which does not exceed +25 degrees.

Benefits Of Shea Butter For Hair

The benefits of shea butter for hair

Using shea butter will help you to solve the following problems with your hair:

  • Owners of long hair will appreciate the benefits of shea butter because such hair especially needs to be nourished.
  • For dry and damaged staining or drying curls. Shea butter will make your curls look amazing.
  • Shea butter is also used for splitting hair. All you need is to rub a small amount of oil on the fingers and apply it on the hair. The main thing is not to overdo it; otherwise, the hair will become oily!
  • It can be used as protection against sun rays and sea salt. Again, the main thing is not to overdo.
  • Shea butter helps to reduce itching of the head skin and dandruff – restores the scalp and has a bactericidal effect.
  • It also helps to decrease hair loss; it awakens dormant bulbs, stimulates collagen production, and strengthens hair along its entire length.
  • Shea butter is suitable for hair oiling procedures. This procedure is taken from the practice of Indian women. It stimulates the growth of thick and healthy hair.

Benefits Of Shea Butter For Hair

Uses of shea butter for hair

You can use shea butter in pure form:

  1. heat a tablespoon of oil in the microwave or on a vapor bath (40-50 degrees);
  2. apply shea butter on dry hair before washing your hair;
  3. comb your hair with a wooden or plastic comb;
  4. wrap the head with a hat or towel;
  5. leave for 1-2 hours (you can do it overnight);
  6. thoroughly wash your head with your favorite shampoo (2 times with abundant foam).

When used as a splitting agent, apply some shea butter on dry tips. 10-15 procedures are sufficient for a course of treatment, but repeat the procedure no more than 2 times a week. Apply on dry hair half an hour before going outside as a protective agent.

Benefits Of Shea Butter For Hair

You can also add shea butter to your favorite cosmetics. It is enough to add a small amount of shea butter to enhance the effect of shampoo, conditioner, balm, and hair mask. Mix it in hand. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water and wash with shampoo. This method of application contributes not only to enhance the action but also to mitigate the negative effects of chemical agents.

BUT! Please remember that shea butter is not recommended for greasy hair. It has too much fat and a dense texture. In this way, it is better to use special cosmetic or essential oils, such as gR@pe seed, tea tree, eucalyptus, cedar or cypress oils. Shea butter should be used with caution for coloured hair since all fatty oils wash out and weaken the colouring pigment.

Benefits Of Shea Butter For Hair

Shea butter for hair: cool recipes you will enjoy

There are many recipes of using shea butter for hair, among which stand out the most effective and time-tested.

Recommendations for the preparation of masks with shea butter for hair:

  • all ingredients must be liquid;
  • mix everything in a glass or plastic container;
  • do not use metal objects.

Benefits Of Shea Butter For Hair

General rules for the use of masks:

  1. apply it before shampooing dry hair;
  2. wrap the head with a towel;
  3. leave for 1-2 hours or night;
  4. wash your head with warm water, apply shampoo if necessary.

The course of treatment includes 10-15 procedures, using mixtures 1-2 times a week.

Benefits Of Shea Butter For Hair

Oily hair mask with shea butter

The main ingredient should be used with caution in this way. Apply it only on tips, not on roots. Use 2 tbsp. of shea butter and mix with yolk and 2 tbsp. of almond extract. Apply the product on the tips for 1-2 hours, then wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Nourishing hair mask

A different mask is used to nourish the head skin. For its preparation, it is necessary to take a capsule of vitamin E, 1 tbsp of burdock, 2 tbsp of flaxseed extract and 2.5 tbsp of shea butter. All ingredients are mixed and applied throughout the length of the strands. The exposure time is 4 hours, after the expiration of the specified period, the product is washed off with shampoo.

Mask for split-ends

The mask with coconut oil and shea butter helps to cope with split-ends. For the preparation of such a mask, it is enough to mix egg yolk and 3 tbsp of shea butter. The mixture should be applied according to the standard scheme, by distributing the agent along the entire length of the strands. It is necessary to wait for 3.5 hours, then wash off.

Benefits Of Shea Butter For Hair

Masks for dry and brittle hair with shea butter and coconut oil

Coconut oil with shea butter for hair is the best way to get rid of excessive dryness. Mixing ingredients are necessary in a ratio of 1: 1, depending on the length of the strands. The optimal hold time is 4-5 hours.

Combine shea butter with olive extract to enhance the effect. All ingredients should be mixed and applied on dry curls for 4-5 hours. The result after such a remedy is fantastic.

Mask for brittle hair involves mixing 25 grams of the main ingredient with olive extract. The resulting mask can be applied over the entire length or just on the tips. A positive result is observed in 3-4 hours after use. Then the mask must be washed off.

Mask with shea butter and avocado for shine

Avocado and shea butter mixture will allow you to add shine and healthy look to your hair. It is necessary to mix the main components in a 1: 1 ratio. The amount of the product depends on the length of the hair. The exposure time is from 4 hours to 12.

Mask with clay and shea butter

Shea butter for curly hair is recommended to be mixed with cosmetic clay. The compatibility of the ingredients is interesting, but the result is really worthwhile. Preparation of the components is carried out in the following proportion: 1 tbsp of clay and 20 grams of the main ingredient. The exposure time is not more than 2 hours.

Benefits Of Shea Butter For Hair

Shea butter is one of the best solid kinds of butter for hair, which are used in cosmetology. The simplicity of its use and compatibility with many products allow you to choose the best mask recipe not only for hair but also for the body, lips, and skin.

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