Description: Lyrics Of Saying Goodbye Song By J S Ondara are provided in this article. This is a New song which is prepared By Famous Singer J S Ondara. This song which is released on 7th December 2018.
If You are Searching Lyrics Of Saying Goodbye Song By J S Ondara then you are on the right post. Without wasting more time lets jump on to Saying Goodbye Song Lyrics.
Song: SAying Goodbye Song
Singer/Band: J S Ondara

Lyrics Of Saying Goodbye Song By J S Ondara
With her legs, painted like the drum
Loneliness, couldn’t do no harm,
Nor the kiss, of her scented balm
Oh honey I’m just getting good at saying goodbye
Getting good at saying goodbye,
Getting good at saying goodbye
Oh honey I’m just getting good at saying goodbye
Getting good at saying goodbye,
Getting good at saying goodbye
Heaviness of this heart shut wide,
Now my flesh, at arms with my pride,
Her long dress, left no room to pry,
So i confess to the gods of time,
Oh honey I’m just getting good at saying goodbye
Getting good at saying goodbye,
Getting good at saying goodbye
Oh honey I’m just getting good at saying goodbye
Getting good at saying goodbye,
Getting good at saying goodbye
Oooaah, there goes my innocence
Oooaah, there goes my innocence
Oooaah, there goes my innocence
Oooaah, there goes my innocence
Video of Saying Goodbye Song Lyrics
So These are the complete “Lyrics Of Saying Goodbye Song By J S Ondara “.
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