Description: Lyrics Of 100 Ways Song By Zhavia Ward are provided in this article. This is a New song which is prepared By Famous Singer Zhavia Ward. This song which is released on 12th December 2018.
If You are Searching Lyrics Of 100 Ways Song By Zhavia Ward then you are on the right post. Without wasting more time lets jump on to 100 ways Song Lyrics.
Song: 100 Ways Song
Singer/Band: Zhavia Ward

Lyrics Of 100 Ways Song By Zhavia Ward
I don’t believe in moving backwards
[?] is where I came from
You wouldn’t understand [?]
Take shit for granted cause I aint always had it
From my shoes to my tattoos
Tryna make this stay heavy
Them who think that they are starving me
They don’t know I got a 100 ways
100 ways to get it everyday
Only [?]
I’m too busy counting numbers if I’m losing watch me do it better come on with it [?]
100 ways
100 100 100 100 100
100 100 100 100 100
I’m too busy counting numbers if I’m losing watch me do it better come on with it [?]
I’m just tryna stay wake up
Get it in my crumbles [?]
By the way he says what’s up
And he told me he forgives
Take shit for granted cause I aint always had it
From my shoes to my tattoos
Tryna make this stay heavy
Them who think that they are starving me
They don’t know I got a 100 ways
100 ways to get it everyday
Only [?]
I’m too busy counting numbers if I’m losing watch me do it better come on with it [?]
100 ways
100 100 100 100 100
100 100 100 100 100
If I’m losing watch me do it better come on with it [?]
Always got a 100 ways y’all
Never see me run away no
Never exit [?]
I don’t in my own ways
100 ways to get it everyday
Only [?]
I’m too busy counting numbers if I’m losing watch me do it better come on with it [?]
100 100 100 100 100
100 100 100 100 100
100 100 100 100 100
If I’m losing watch me do it better come on with it [?]
Video of 100 Ways Song Lyrics
So These are the complete “Lyrics Of 100 Ways Song By Zhavia Ward”.
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