Wife of the pastor in charge of Victory Life Bible Church (VLBC), Rev. Fola Achudume, has canvassed more inter tribal marriages among Nigerians, adding that it will promote peace as well as unite the multi ethnic groups in the country.
She spoke on the sideline of her 50th birthday today, warning those fanning embers of disunity in the country to desist.
Folake hails from Ibadan, the Oyo State capitsal, while her spouse, Lawrence, hails from Ukwani Local Government Area of Delta State.
The couple, who lead the VLBC, met during their National Youth Service Corps days in Kaduna in 1991. They got married in November 1992 and are blessed with four children.
“More inter tribal marriages will make break-up of Nigeria an effort in futility by those beating the drums of war. There are many Nigerians who are married to one another across the country, what will be their lot? What becomes of a Yoruba lady married to an Hausa man and vice versa, or an Igbo man, as narrated in the award winning novel, “Toads for Super” by Chukwuemeka Ike.
“Those canvassing break-up of Nigeria should think well, they should think of the consequences. Let us promote peace and unity. I believe there is a purpose for God to have put all tribes under an entity called Nigeria,”she said.
Mrs. Achudume expressed gratitude to God for taking her so far in life, as well as count her worthy of marking the milestone.
“I thank God for counting me worthy of being alive today, to celebrate my Golden Jubilee birthday. It is by His grace that I’m what I am, not by my might or power, but by His grace.”
The public speaking expert and marriage counsellor warned ladies to look beyond material possession of their spouse, adding that someone who does not have today may have tomorrow.
“When we were courting as friends, if I had laid emphasis on his material possession, may be we would not have got married. But, then, I saw and still see in him passion and love for God, which are more than anything else in life.”
On her marriage, she said: “The journey has been challenging, but worthwhile. I thank God for my life, my husband and the entire family members. I have realised that there is abundant and everlasting joy for those who believe and serve God devotedly.”
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