
Brother Nature Casted on Twitter

Brother Nature Casted on Twitter
Kelvin Pena, more popularly known as Brother Nature on social media was exposed recently on Twitter by a user who went digging through his old tweets to uncover dirt on him.

This has led to calls for him to be ‘cancelled completely’ by his ever growing online presence, as the uncovered tweets showed tendencies of violence towards women, anti-black racism and anti-antisemitism.

Others have however called for caution and warned of the illogicality of judging Brother Nature by this tweets of some years back, seeing as he was a teenager then.

Pena shot into prominence in 2016 when his videos with animals began to go viral on YouTube and social media in general, these videos showing a seeming ability to communicate and congress with ‘wild animals’.

Brother Nature has since apologized for his tweets, stating that they were the products of his youth and immaturity.

What do you guys think? Do you follow Brother Nature and think he should be forgiven?

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